Best Massage Techniques for Shoulder Pain

Best Massage Techniques for Shoulder Pain

When shoulder pain rears its ugly head, massage therapy can be effective for certain types of pain, but it really depends on the cause. It’s important to understand your injury and know when seeking massage therapy is appropriate. Here are a few shoulder injuries where massage can really help relieve pain.

Bursitis is one issue in which massage can help. Bursitis happens when fluid-filled sacs (known as bursa sacs), become inflamed and swell due to repetitive or excessive use of the shoulder joint. While massage cannot reduce swelling or inflammation, it can release the muscle and tendons in the joint that is causing the pressure on the bursa. Applying ice right after the massage can help to reduce inflammation.

Tendonitis is caused when overuse of the muscle joint causes the tendons to become inflamed. Massage therapy can help to lengthen the tendon and muscle tissue, thus releasing the pressure on the tendons. Arthritis pain can also be present in the shoulder and massage can be helpful to release the muscle tension in the surrounding area, thus releasing pressure on the joint. 

Shoulder impingement happens when the shoulder blade puts pressure on the rotator cuff tendons and bursa. It then “impinges” the normal function of the shoulder. Massage therapy releases the muscles causing the impingement. 

Massage therapy can be beneficial for shoulder pain, if not directly, then by releasing muscle tension and restrictions in the surrounding tissue. Talk to your massage therapist and explain the type of shoulder pain you are having. Your therapist will do a thorough health history to help you determine which massage techniques might be helpful. Don’t spend another day in pain, make an appointment today!

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