Stretching Tips to Keep You in Shape

stretching-070714There are many ins and outs of stretching; both literally and figuratively. Some of the most appealing aren’t always the best ones. It is going to likely hurt a little when you stretch muscles that haven’t been stretched in a while, and even ones that just haven’t been worked out every single day. But do not over stretch, or stretch to a place that is far more uncomfortable than necessary. It is possible to get seriously injured like that.

If you are stretching and feel pain, try to find a way to do a similar stretch that will cause less discomfort, but still provide the optimal work out. Do not bounce while you stretch. Bouncing often causes unnecessary damage to ligaments. Try instead to slowly practice your exercises, even if it feels all right to go fast.

WebMD has a page that talks about how you stretch at work, especially if you work in an office at a computer every day. Scheduling times during your work day for stretching is a great idea. For people who work at home, this is very helpful because you can get so comfortable if you work in your bed or couch that you wouldn’t really think to stretch. When your work is especially intriguing, or important, working out often can becomes one of the last things you want to do.

There are many people who go to a massage therapist to help with their stretching. The more that you exercise your muscles, the more they will cry out for healing and comfort. One of the best places for this healing and comfort is a massage therapist’s worktable.

Please feel free to pick up the phone today, and schedule an appointment for a relaxing massage. Work out the kinks and prepare for tomorrow’s 24 hours of life.

Photo credit: Nicholas_T / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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